it's a very long time the admin did not update this bl0g..s0rry guys..^_^
we are busy to prepared for 0ur quizzes...test..event..and FINAL EXAM actually..haha...
acting like we are s0o hardw0rking,,huhu..k0ya la plakk...
this is 0ur other assignment to create video raya,,,it's s0o shy to act u kn0w..
plezz do not lauging to us when watching this vide0..=D
juz enj0y it take the advices 0nly..
~'~'~'~SeLaMaT HaRi RaYa AiDiLfItRi~'~'~'~
....MaAf ZaHiR dAn BaTiN...